Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Packing List...?

I leave on April 4th (in 7 days!!) for Greece, and I will be gone from April 4th to April 12th (9 days inclusive). Here%26#039;s what I know I have to pack:

10-12 shirts (extras just in case one gets dirty)

9 shorts (plus a few pairs of jeans if it%26#039;s colder)

a semi-formal thing (dress pants, oxford shirt and tie)

10 boxer shorts

3 or 4 undershirts

10 pairs of socks

athletic shorts/t-shirt for pajamas

Good walking shoes

Sandals for the beach


I know the USA 3-1-1 regulations for the TSA...


Razor and shaving cream

toothbrush and toothpaste



kleenex packs

shampoo and conditioner and hand lotion

nail clippers

Camera (digital) and plenty of memory and batteries

DVD player and MP3 player for the plane (it%26#039;s a 14 hr flight)

A good book for the flight

Can you think of anything else that I%26#039;m forgetting? I%26#039;ve got my passport in a holder to wear under my clothes and I%26#039;m going to put money in it too, I know I need to get some Euro before I go

Packing List...?
:) Looks like a great list. I can%26#039;t think of anything else.

XD You are going to have a fantastic time.
Reply:you are VERY organised. what you forget you can just buy there!! enjoy your holiday. x
Reply:Your list looks very good. I did not see hair brush or hair dryer on there. Or a nicer pair of shoes for the formal outfit.

A little tip, get your Euro at the airport, you will get a better exchange rate. I used to work for a bank and we used to tell all our good customers that little tip.

myspace quizzes

Packing For Air Force Basic Training?

Alright I%26#039;m leaving in a week and I%26#039;m going to go shopping tommorow any advice on the following items on what to get will be well appreciated.

*Shampoo - What kind and how big of a bottle?

*Deodorant- What Kind?

*Toothbrush- What color, What kind?

*Toothbrush tray- What Color?

*Toothpaste- What kind?

*Shower shoes- I don%26#039;t even know what these are and can%26#039;t believe there serious about these so if you know about them what kind should I get, what color, and where the heck can I buy them.

*Soap- (Now on my list here it says -Soap (Liquid) then it ssys underneath -Soap Tray (If bar soap is used) so should I just go with the liquid soap because then I don%26#039;t have to worry about keeping a soap tray clean?

I know by the way I%26#039;m asking about these items I%26#039;m being very anal but I want to have things the TI%26#039;s will not have anything to complain about and I want things that are easy to keep clean and will pass inspection easily. Thanks

Packing For Air Force Basic Training?
Word of advice. Do not buy anything round. Make sure your toothpaste is rectangular (like crest is) and the same with your shampoo. You only get 9 inches of personal space and the round stuff will roll around your draw and you%26#039;ll fail inspections and do lots of pushups. No requirement on the toothbrush or toothbrush tray. Just don%26#039;t get any funky colors for them to pick on you about. Go with a clear tray and just a plain ol toothbrush (in otherwords don%26#039;t get a Batman toothbrush or something stupid). Shower shoes are flip flops. Just get a really cheap pair of flip flops at the local drug store. Go with either soap, just make sure it%26#039;s square.

Get enough of everything (but only 1 of everything) to last you 6 weeks (because you will get the opportunity towards the end to go to the shopette and pick up any items you might run out of).

You%26#039;ll never pass your inspections easily, if at all. Just stay under the radar. SQUARE IS DEFINITELY THE WAY TO GO.
Reply:take only a toothbrush they will issue you the rest
Reply:ok, first all the items you listed you can just get whatever brand you prefer, there is not set standard for toiletry items. Shower shoes are just a cheap pair of black flip flops. Don%26#039;t worry about having everything on the packing list cause you%26#039;ll be given the opportunity to buy what you need at the px when you get there. If you worried about having different stuff than the other recruits then wait till you get there and buy what you need px. Your instructors won%26#039;t get so anal during inspections as to open your soap trey and inspect its cleanliness. I think you%26#039;re looking into this all way too much. Try to relax a little bit, just remember the worse they can do is yell at you, or make you do a few push ups.
Reply:Check out these websites / gives a lot of details



feel free to check out my profile / have done a number of answers relating to Air Force BMT

Shower Shoes are flip flops type sandals (they are serious) / standard color is black (available down there)

Colors and brands don%26#039;t really matter / TI will complain about everything - nothing personal

horses for loan

Read My Story?!?

Here it is. If you want to read more of it , e-mail me.

Hello and Goodbye

The four heiresses, Nicky, Skye, Logan, and Riky were walking around the make-up/changing room of one of many Joseph Brianna’s mansions getting ready for their going away party. The heiresses were going away to Paris for the fall, there star destination that they always choose or Nicky always choose at the end of summer when they came back or bounced back from all night partying.

The girls weren’t the only ones in the mansion, of course Joseph had to wondering around somewhere perhaps holding a glass of champagne glaring at pictures of old rich dead family members.

Skye sat down at her make-station. She was ready, only the party was 23 minutes away from happening. What could she do for that long? She maintained good posture instead of slumping in her seat and looked herself in the mirror, she did not want Nicky slapping her in the back, it was a good thing she could hide the redness with her dress. Ah, her dress, she was the sexiest heir next to Nicky and so for Riky. She was wearing a black and purple dress that stopped just an inch above her ankles; she looked good, really good. Her hair was down curled that made her look even better; her make-up was perfect done by Nicky J. herself. But the lead heir, Nicky, was unsatisfied that her friend looked better than her.

Applying her gold and purple eye shadow, Nicky demanded, “Skye, take the dress off.”

Skye stopped fluffing her hair to make sure she heard her friend right, “What? You want me to take this off? I thought you said you liked it.”

“ON ME! Take it off. There are some dresses on the rack next to the bathroom.”

Logan and Ricky’s stares skipped between bossy Nicky and livid Skye.

Once she reached the dressing rack, she slammed her hands against the cold gold medal, and grunted.

“Can you please be quiet?” Nicky solicited Skye running her hands threw her hour glass size two body that was now covered in a gold, body tight hugging dress that was 5 inches above her knees.

While helping Logan with her sexy simple black dress, she assumed, “I hope your wearing underwear under that dress of yours.”

Riky whipped her head and brown chestnut hair around to look for an answer from Nicky.

Nicky beamed covertly and flashed her thong. But it was her special blue thong, the one she had been waiting to use all summer.

Logan rolled her eyes putting her black ballerina flats that complimented her tan glowing legs, she alleged, “Oh god.”

Not commenting to Logan, Nicky looked in her mirror and looked at Skye searching through dresses, and she demanded, “Pick out the…” she didn’t want her friend looking like a Victoria Secret reject nor way more seductive, her friends had to compliment her and make her look like the better one, the more beautiful one, just “the one”, “The red dress.”

Skye searched for it for a while.

“Hurry up!” snapped Nicky, doing Riky’s make-up. “And stop moving, Riky!”


Nicky rolled her eyes and continued putting on her friend’s make-up. “I don’t know why you make things so difficult.”

“Well, at least I’m not so arduous,” snapped Logan putting on deodorant.

Nicky gagged at this site plucking at Riky’s eye brows.

“Careful, please! I don’t want to have red eye brows.”

“All you just shut the *uck up. PUH-LEASE,” she sighed and looked at her watch still holding Riky’s head back, “We have 17 minutes left.”

Nicky snuck a look over to Skye who still searching for the red dress. She plucked one of Riky’s eye brows really hard and screamed, “SKYLAR! YOU’VE PASSED IT A HUNDRED TIMES! PICK OUT THE GODDAMN DRESS AND GO GET READY! YOU GIVE ME *UCKIN HEADACHES.”

Skye happily picked out the dress and marched into the bathroom.

“Damn it, Nick. It’s bleeding!” wailed Riky.

“Oh my goodness, my heel just broke!” screeched Logan.

Nicky was so overwhelmed she dropped everything, grabbed her shoes, and headed out into the hallway closing the door.

She took 5 paces away from the two rooms and lid down the wallpaper royal wall, and breathed in deeply in and out. She put on her shoes and ran her hands through her blonde hair that ran 3 inches past her shoulder then groaned in frustration.

Pretty soon, she heard Joseph’s footsteps coming down the hall. She played with her French manicured nails not knowing if he was coming toward her but she didn’t want to seem to anxious.

Rapidly, Joseph was sitting next to her.

He held his champagne glass, from which he only drunk once from. And held it next to her arm.

Nicky glanced at it then her nails and mumbled, “No, thank you.”

“I only drink out of it once. You can have it,” he mentioned, moving the glass in a circular motion.

Nicky quickly grabbed the glass and drained it. Joseph laughed leaning his head back. Nicky smiled at him placing the glass a few inches next to her. He nudged her and she nudged her back.

“So, it got a little heavy in there, huh?”

“Yeah, it did,” she agreed in a flirtatious way, letting her eyes look into his attractive light blue eyes. He got her glimpse.

“You’re a very kinky, daring girl Mrs. Nicky J.”

Nicky kissed him full on his partially skinny lips.

He kissed her back. They were French kissing all the way. His hands were on her hips and her hands were grabbing onto his cheeks. They fell down to cold brown marble floor knocking the champagne glass over, sending to the other side of the hallway.

With his eyes open, Joseph watched gladly as Nicky’s one dress strap fell revealing her black bra.

He moved his hand down to her low thigh; he stopped kissing her to kiss where his hand had been. Nicky smiled and moaned. Then he pulled his face to her lips so they could make out again, until she announced, “That’s all that we can do for now.”

They chuckled together and kissed one more time and sat up. Nicky grabbed the champagne bottle from across the hall her revealing blue thong showing.

Joseph guffawed at the revealing.

Having the wine glass settled in her hand like she was about to drink from it, she smirked at him, and pecked him on his lips, and hysterically cackled, “God, we really have to stop.”

Just in time, the three other heiresses came out of the room, to apologize to the lead heir.

Nicky looked at them as she was still mad at them. Joseph walked to his girlfriend’s side, smooching Skye on her cheek.

“Nicky…” Logan started but she put her hand up to signal her to stop talking.

“It’s all right. At least you guys are hot enough,” the three other heiresses looked seductive taking there poses, “so you don’t have to apologize.” Nicky retched behind your back. She was being way to nice. To stop all her friends from smiling she stood up, stood in front of everyone and heralded, “But you are still not forgiven.”

She gave the champagne glass to Joseph, and grinned. “How much time do we have?”

Logan answered quickly, “2 minutes until our boyfriends and siblings start arriving.”

All that time passed so quickly it seemed like to Nicky. She ran her fingers through her blonde hair again as Skye questioned arms crossed, “Why were you drinking?” but Joseph didn’t answer her.

Riky handed Nicky my lip gloss, she applied another coat, her lips were dry from the hot make-out, and then smacked them together and stated, “It’s party time.”

Read My Story?!?
Exactly how many Clique books have you read? This is really bad. Sorry. Pax-C
Reply:It entertained me! Make a sequel. It would make a good teen book, consider publication.
Reply:wow, great


Bad body odor?

I need help as this is totally destroying my social life. I have bad body odor. Before someone accuses me of not being hygenic, I can take 3 baths or showers a day (usually I take 2) and still smell MUCH worse than someone else who only baths every other day.

Obviously I don%26#039;t smell it myself but the reaction I see from other people is undeniable even though it took me a couple of years at first to realize people were not joking on me. I%26#039;ve probably had this condition ever since my teen or puberty years.

What help if anything is for this problem, the obvious things like deodorant don%26#039;t seem to help me.

If I wear completely new clothes and shoes, after sleeping on new sheets, and taking a couple of showers with new towels, that may buy me about an hour of smelling normal but after that I become repugnant again!

Bad body odor?
A table spoon of high strength liquid chlorophyll every day will help you. It actually deodorises your body odours before they come out of your pores.
Reply:i have heard of some people with this problem. go see a doctor if none of the other advice works.
Reply:you will need to go see a dr but here are a couple of links that might help and at least give you some info and let you know your not alone in this.


Reply:it may be what you are eating. try deodorant with antiperspirant, too. if none of these help- see a doctor.
Reply:See the dr.

visual arts

Is this a good list for an 3 day 2 night Cheer Camp?

Water Bottles

Sun Screen

Bedding; Sheets, Towels, Pillowcases, and blankets


Swimming Attire

Attire for “Disco Diva” Mixer

Door Decorations for your Room

Pizza Money ($30 some change too)


Camp Attire

Tennis Shoes (SOCKS)

Flip flops and shower shoes.

Hair dryer



Makeup (Foundation, Eyeliner, Mascara, Blush, Lip-gloss, etc)

Face Soap (Towel)

Shorts (non rolled)

Tee Shirt (or Tank top)

DVD player and Charger

2 OR 3 movies

iPods and Charger

Cell phone and Charger

Camera and Charger

Purse (op.)

Hair Brush

Tooth Brush and Paste

Contacts (solution) and Glasses (case) Retainer

Hair Bands (rubber bands, bobby pins, clips, bows)

Chain (Thin for Key)


Alarm Clock

Razor and Shaving Cream

Razor Sports Bra

Shampoo and Conditioner

Dry Erase Board (And Markers)

Retainer (Anna)



Thanks. Its at a college dorm. 3 Days 2 night. Have any other things to bring?

Is this a good list for an 3 day 2 night Cheer Camp?
your gonna have one heavy bag, looks like you%26#039;ll have more then enough! I don%26#039;t think you%26#039;ve forgotten anything.. oh except I don%26#039;t see pom-poms on your list don%26#039;t you need them?
Reply:Personally I think you might not have enough time to watch all the movies and someone might steal them...I think the money idea is good, because my daughter goes to the UC Davis cheer camp everyyear and she always needs money...How about money for a sweatshirt? Oh so my daughter said that is perfect and you are going to have fun! Good luck!

Spirit fingers`*`~~~~~~~*********~~~~~~~~~~~```...
Reply:yepp.... i agree maybe some of those things aren%26#039;t needed like a dry erase board and decarations for them room cause your only there for 3 days! replace it with some tylenol and tampons! you never know when you or someone else is gonna need them! and maybe a little bit of body spray.... or maybe not. I don%26#039;t know. Have fun at cheer camp and yell superrrrr loud! :)
Reply:maybe a couple of other things to keep you occupied when your not busy with cheer. maybe like some nail polish to paint your nails/toenails. maybe a book if you like to read haha. have fun and it sounds like you have everything you need. oh and maybe a bag for dirty laundry. (:
Reply:i think you are a little over paked for only 3 days. i dont think you need a dry erase board, a curler, purse (your cheer bag should be fine). think about what you will actually use and need every single day you are there.
Reply:Sunscreen :)

woops! You already have that..

Looks like you have everything!

Oh Oh! Consider bringing 2 or 3 Tylenol..Just in case!
Reply:bring a fan--for sure!!! some dorms do not have air and after a long days work you will definately need one!!!--just a small bedside fan will do fine
Reply:It sounds good. Cheer Camp is a lot of fun! You might wanna bring some books also just incase your the only one up at night. Have a good time:)
Reply:Hyginal Items, Sunscreen, clothes, water, a flashlight, a tent, and some sleeping pils ; )
Reply:Don%26#039;t forget your pain relievers and some tums camp food is sometimes sick! and some bengay for those muscles!
Reply:I think it%26#039;s a great list. It looks like you have everything you need.
Reply:SLIPPERS!!!! (you don%26#039;t want your feet to freeze)



other than that, your good
Reply:omg you forgot the most important thing!


Reply:i think youll be fine!!! thats a lot hahha overpacker but thats a good thing you never know what youll need!
Reply:i think u%26#039;ve thought of just about everything ;)
Reply:loooooooonnnnnnggggggggggggggg list nyah thats heaps but i would bring a pistol(joking)
Reply:yea I%26#039;m pretty sure thats enough, sounds fun hope you have a great time!! :]


Australian Etiquette?


1. Never take an open stubby to a job interview.

2. Always identify people in your paddocks before shooting at them.

3. It%26#039;s tacky to take an esky to church.

4. If you have to vacuum the bed, it%26#039;s time to change the sheets.

5. Even if you%26#039;re certain you%26#039;re included in the will, it%26#039;s rude to take your ute and trailer to the funeral.


1. When decanting wine from the box, tilt the paper cup and pour slowly so as not to bruise the wine.

2. If drinking directly from the bottle, hold it with only one hand.


1. A centrepiece for the table should never be anything prepared by a taxidermist.

2. Don%26#039;t allow the dog to eat at the table, no matter how good his manners.


1. While ears need to be cleaned regularly, this should be done in private, using one%26#039;s OWN ute keys.

2. Even if you live alone, deodorant isn%26#039;t a waste of money.

3. Extensive use of deodorant can only delay bathing by a few days.

4. Dirt and grease under the fingernails is a no-no, it alters the taste of finger foods and if you are a woman it can draw attention away from your jewellery.


1. Always offer to bait your date%26#039;s hook - especially on the first date.

2. Be assertive. Let her know you%26#039;re interested: %26quot;I%26#039;ve been wanting to go out with you ever since I read that stuff on the dunny door two years ago.%26quot;

3. Establish with her parents what time she%26#039;s expected back. Some will say 11:00 PM, others might say %26quot;Monday.%26quot; If the latter is the answer, it%26#039;s the man%26#039;s responsibility to get her to school on time.


1. Crying babies should be taken to the lobby and picked up after the movie ends.

2. Refrain from yelling abuse at characters on the screen. Tests have proven they can%26#039;t hear you.


1. Livestock is a poor choice for a wedding gift.

2. Kissing the bride for more than five seconds may cause a drop in your popularity. (Excessive use of the tongue is also considered out of place)

3. For the groom, at least, rent a tux. A tracksuit with a cummerbund and a clean football jumper can create a tacky appearance.

4. Though uncomfortable, say %26quot;yes%26quot; to socks and shoes for the occasion.


1. Dim your headlights for approaching vehicles, even if your gun%26#039;s loaded and the roo%26#039;s in your rifle sight.

2. When entering a roundabout, the vehicle with the largest roo bar doesn%26#039;t always have the right of way.

3. Never tow another car using panty hose and duct tape.

4. When sending your wife down the road with a petrol can, it%26#039;s impolite to ask her to bring back beer too.

If you can%26#039;t see what%26#039;s so funny about the above and decide to follow the suggestions given you could be a redneck

Australian Etiquette?
Australian Etiquette is not much different then Redneck Etiquette. We can learn something from those Aussie%26#039;s
Reply:also no speaking another language in public in very loud voices
Reply:burst out laughing...nah..i%26#039;ll stick to my color...thx for the laughs..^^
Reply:yep most of them are right ....except your wife would drink the beer on the way back they are hilarious 10/10
Reply:I loved them I couldn%26#039;t stop laughing ! thanks
Reply:what%26#039;s wrong with yelling abuse at movie stars???

i mean bloody oath! they can clearly hear us!

oh yeah and if you ask your wife to bring back a 6-pack, chances are she will have drunk it by the time she gets back!

f xxx
Reply:lmao.. those are quite funny...


good one.. thanx for sharing


Will not wearing socks make my feet sweat and stink?

I want to wear my driver shoes w/o socks, but am afraid they%26#039;ll sweat and therefore mess up my shoes by making them stink. Is there a solution for that?, I heard people use talc for feet, butt and armpits instead of deodorant, is that true? safe?

Will not wearing socks make my feet sweat and stink?
it going cost you more money to buy a brand new shoes because your feet will be stink , because you say not to wear a socks.
Reply:You should wear socks. But, if you must not, they have some Arm %26amp; Hammer powder that you can sprinkle in your shoes that are supposed to %26quot;reduce persperation smell%26quot;.

They also have spray that you can spray on your feet that smells like baby powder, I think it%26#039;s Suave.

There are a lot of products to help your situation, check your local drugstore. I must say, though, your feet will probably sweat, but again, they have products to take care of the smell.
Reply:Try it and see. I personally can%26#039;t have bare feet in shoes; they get too sweaty. Even with one of those charcoal absorber things. So I wear socks. The rest of the time, I go for open sandals, and bare feet as muh as possible. When it%26#039;s warm enough.
Reply:y can%26#039;t u just wear socks? they are there for a reason! they absorb your sweat... if nothing absorbs your sweat, what do you think is gonna happen?
Reply:your shoes will stink, you may get sore feet, socks do soak up sweat.

small business